Liyla’s MOVE story: making progress

Liyla is a pupil at Ivel Valley School in Bedfordshire, a MOVE Quality Mark accredited school. Here, her mum Kaysey tells us the difference the MOVE Programme has made to their lives:

“Liyla started using the MOVE Programme in 2017. Before starting MOVE Liyla had little mobility. She couldn’t stand without support and she couldn’t walk at all, so she used to crawl from place to place.

Since starting MOVE, Liyla’s mobility has improved so much! We worked towards standing with no support, then moved onto supported walking, and finally to walking independently and going up and down steps! This has massively improved our life at home because Liyla has the independence to walk around our house, her school and the local park freely. She has also learned how to open and shut doors so she can go where she wants to.

I have also seen a massive social interaction change with Liyla. Before starting MOVE she didn’t like to interact much with others. Now that she is up at the same level as the people around her, she loves being social! Because she is interacting more her communication has improved too.

The moment that stood out to me the most was definitely Liyla’s walking. She started off without much confidence, but the more she did MOVE, the more confident she got and then one day she just started walking! It still amazes me to this day.

I can’t believe how much the MOVE Programme has changed my daughter’s life and our family life. Liyla has come so far thanks to this amazing programme. We can’t be any more thankful.”

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